I am excited to be running my 1st half marathon (as part of the Sydney Running Festival) in less than 2 weeks. For someone who had not done more than a few hundred metres at a time back in May, I think it’s been pretty good going. Some people (notably friends through Facebook and Twitter) have asked why I’m doing this and what preparation I’ve had.
My lead-up to this was the 11km Sutherland2Surf, as well as the 14km City2Surf. Each week I’ve been going to 2 x 1hr Aerobic Kickboxing sessions and a 10-13km run on Fridays. I am not taking this so seriously to be locked into a training regime as my initial goal is simply to get fit! 🙂
This is one of my 2009 Goals which I had decided on back in January. I believe that pursuits such as walking/running rely less on technology and more on your own ability. Most other sports rely on other objects (balls, other players, equipment, etc.). Running really does force you to rely on yourself to get through. I am aiming to complete the Half Marathon in under 2 hours.
I decided that as I am fit and well, I’m going to see how far I can push myself whilst I have the capability to do so. It will help me understand who I am (in a physical sense) and provide me a mechanism to get fitter and relieve stress at the same time (I find running and cycling quite therapeutic 🙂 I’m also working in other ways to expand myself in the realms of thinking, creativity and relationships – I’ll share those thoughts with you soon.
I have not yet chosen my next ‘big’ goal, but will be looking to complete the goals I have set for myself for 2009. Let me know of some of your goals, or if you will also be running in the Sydney Running Festival!
3 replies on “Half Marathon”
Well you did say on your Facebook yesterday look out 2010, you can feel something big is going to happen.
I look forward to hearing what that big goal is Andrew.
Well, I did it in 1:59:56! I feel somewhat cheeky making it in under 2 hours! I have a couple of blisters but enjoyed the run nonetheless and will be back for another one in 2010.
Catherine, the 2010 “BIG” thing will be announced soon…..I’m sure you’ll find out about it when I let the world know 🙂
Hi. I’m not a runner, I’m a swimmer & do pilates, so admire anyone who can run that far. I appreciated your tweet about people projecting their fears onto you- it happens all the time. Good on you.