Notice: fwrite(): write of 661 bytes failed with errno=122 Disk quota exceeded in /home/myproact/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/storage/file.php on line 42 Purpose – My Proactive LifeSkip to the content
I stumbled across this earlier this week and it highlights (a) Purpose of Life in such a small, unique way. I am sure many of you would appreciate such a short view on what it’s all about. Shared here for your pleasure:
Notice: fwrite(): write of 661 bytes failed with errno=122 Disk quota exceeded in /home/myproact/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/storage/file.php on line 42
Fatal error: Uncaught wfWAFStorageFileException: Unable to verify temporary file contents for atomic writing. in /home/myproact/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/storage/file.php:51
Stack trace:
#0 /home/myproact/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/storage/file.php(658): wfWAFStorageFile::atomicFilePutContents('/home/myproact/...', '<?php exit('Acc...')
#1 [internal function]: wfWAFStorageFile->saveConfig('livewaf')
#2 {main}
thrown in /home/myproact/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/storage/file.php on line 51