This is a minor rant, so be warned! 🙂
I’ve had enough of people looking at health & fitness the wrong way.
Fitness (and that dreaded hanger-on “Diet” and his ugly sister “Weight Loss”) are not one-off things you ‘do’!
- Right now your fitness level is your fitness level. It can be better and it can be worse – it’s not fixed
- Your diet is your diet – whatever you eat today is your diet. if you eat differently tomorrow that becomes your diet – it’s not fixed
- Weight Loss is the result of taking other courses of action (such as increasing your exercise and changing your diet)
Many people see fitness/diet/weight loss as a one-off, thinking “once it’s done I’ll be awesome”, and then they can stop. I’m the bearer of a wake-up call to let people know that all of these are part of a journey, not a destination! Here’s the simplest way I can put this: Focus on becoming fitter. Do this through:
- More exercise and
- Eating better (note I did not say eat less…there’s a difference)
Focus on the act of becoming fitter! With this, you will need to change your diet; weight loss will happen.
Cycling does something great for me, and when I miss out, I feel bad (not for missing the cycling, BUT for missing out on the benefits – It relieves stress and makes me clearer in my thoughts and more resilient when things go wrong). It’s winter time here and getting out on the bike is hard(er) to do. I know I need the exercise in my week to keep me balanced! Make Fitness your focus through exercise and changing your diet and your journey will be more successful (I know, because this is what I have done!) 🙂
What are your thoughts on Fitness, Diet and Weight Loss?