Personal Development

Soften the Fck Up

Last week, a new initiative launched called “Soften the Fck Up“.

My buddy Gavin has written a great post about this new initiative to get men to accept that it’s OK to soften up and admit when things aren’t going well.

I met with one of the founders Ehon Chan last week and had a fabulous chat with him about the issues we (men) face and how ‘Soften’ is attempting to change things. It’s related to the decision behind why Raz, Robbie & I started Riding4aCause. I hope theres an opportunity to combine the 2 in the future!

2 replies on “Soften the Fck Up”

Hey Andrew, follow you on twitter, like your outlook on things.
This is all good in theory and a really good thing to push but its just not going to happen in today’s world. I have been through it and am still dealing with it (45 years old, wife & 2 daughters) and you are treated like a weak person, it becomes like a taboo subject that no one will ask you about. People make you feel worse by what they don’t say, could be some paranoya involved there but hey i have depression, it goes with the territory
Watched the black dog ride video, almost makes you want to take up motorcycling, looked like a lot of fun 🙂

Tony, thanks for your comments, great to have you respond on here. You are absolutely right – there is a stigma about it, there are some who call it weak, and it will take a while (generation?) to overcome. I am buoyed by the openness, candour and honesty shown by the riders on last year’s Black Dog Ride and believe that as long as we keep talking about it, things will get better – even if it is only person-by-person. Motorcycling is as much about the great people you meet than the actual riding! 🙂

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