Something that has been bouncing around in my mind for a while now is the notion that a lot of us have an ‘inner story’ that not many people know. Either we do not show this side of us, or it’s something generally not asked about.
I recently uncovered one such inner story of someone I know, and it goes to show that you may not know everything about everyone you come into contact with. Plato said:
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle”
The story moved me to start finding out more about the people I know, as well as some of the new friends I’ve met through Twitter. I’ve got some ideas on how I’d like to approach this but would love to hear from you if you have a suggestion or 3 – leave them in the comments section or you can find me on facebook.
8 replies on “Our Inner Story”
I agree, I think every single one of us has a story, often more than one…. it’s whether or not others are interested enough to ask as to whether they come out.
I also think at different times in our lives we have different stories we could tell. Some are triumphant, some are tragic, some are seemingly insignificant, but can have a changing impact on our lives.
What’s your story?
“I also think at different times in our lives we have different stories we could tell. Some are triumphant, some are tragic, some are seemingly insignificant, but can have a changing impact on our lives.”
Agree, I don’t have one theme but many that changed with the ebb and flow of the circumstances of my life. Perhaps my story was that I was searching for the thread amoung many that would be spun into the warp of my lifelong story.
I say was because I’ve found it 🙂 Now what will my story be? Only time will tell.
I think the ‘inner story’ you speak of is sometimes ‘inner’ for a reason.
These days most people don’t have too many people they can trust with their inner story… and some peoples inner story just might be too much for their friends to bear. It could expose them to a lot of hurt and honesty. Sometimes it is easier to tell a stranger your inner story than a friend.
I know my inner story is huge with a long complicated history… I let the occasional person read a chapter here and there, depending on who they are and how they fit into my life.
Sometimes are people are a part of that inner story…. your history, sometimes you wished you could forget, and sometimes something you look fondly back on.
As I age… my inner story is becoming more clear to me… I look back at parts and feel sad and disappointed… sometimes regrets, but often I smile. So I’ve been using tools like Facebook and so on to reconnect to my past, perhaps where I can find new friends in old ones, or even old enemies – it has happened a few times now! But mostly I am just ignored… probably for good reason.
Not many of us are the same person we were 15-20 years ago… or even 5… maybe looking at those you once thought of differently… seeing if their lives and them have changed in new and interesting ways. How has life treated them? Have they been as blessed as you or I have?
Something to ponder.
A lot of people know my inner story, but I choose to not tell everyone. It is more of a protection mechanism for me not to let everyone know. One day I might tell you, but it depends on a lot of things. If I do let you know, it will bring on a massive outpouring of emotions for both of us.
It’s been a sad month for me. Just received word that Ian’s best friend from high school and ex-flatmate died this morning after 7 years of treatment for Brain Tumours. He was only 36. Left behind his devoted wife and a baby on the way he’ll never know. He was the reason we made a rush trip to to Westmead last Sunday.
His inner story I guess I’ll never know. I know he was a good man who used to get up at 4am to go to work @ Botany from Parramatta, then to study @ UTS at night. For 6 years. A quiet achiever.
I know his dad died at a young age from Mesothelioma, leaving his children a legacy of sorts – compensation that saw them set up with a unit for each of them in Sydney to help them on their way. A strong foundation brought by tragedy.
He married a lovely girl who, apart from him, is truly one of the bravest people I will ever know, who lovingly nursed him until this day, when, in a sign of the times, sent us an SMS to let us know about his passing. His widow, who will bring up his unborn child, who will never know his daddy but will always know that Daddy loved them.
What I do know is that Ian wouldn’t be the person he is today, and that I probably would have never met him, had it not been for this man. And how I’ve realised how thankful I am to this man for something that I can now never thank him for. The tiniest footprint in my life that changed my course forever.
So whilst you may never know someones inner story, I guess sometimes you should take a moment every so often and reflect on the affect that someone had on your life. Because even the smallest ripple can become a big wave.
[…] latest posting from AB got me thinking about doing this post. If this posts continues, it will be a various parter, but I […]
[…] as well as understand both my father and father-in-law more. Just like I mentioned in my ‘Inner Story‘ post, everyone has an inner story that outsiders generally do not see. I’d like to […]
Great idea Andrew
Space prevents me including details of my story here, however within four months my son and husband died. They were ill at the same time, indeed it was a year over twenty something hospitals.
Regrouping my family after the losses hasn’t been easy, indeed the brother closest to my son has been living numbed out on drugs since. The last couple of years we’ve lived on a knives edge with him surviving one drug overdose after another.
He’s in prison at the moment on drug related charges, however the good news is he is making a real effort to get off the drugs. For the first time in years I believe he is ready to make a change.
I believe the loss of a child is one of the most devastating blows a family can suffer, from which some never recover.
As for my family, recover has been slow, but it’s closer today than it was yesterday.
Thanks Andrew X