I have emerged from more than a week’s illness, a little on the raw side, with a number of thoughts I was unable to capture during the week. I knew this was not going to be an ordinary illness (that I can usually fight with cold & flu tablets and generally lasts 2 days) as I suffered from a recurring, persistent headache ‘ring’ around my head for most of the time, on top of the infection/bug/flu I had.
The headache is the bit that got me this week especially since nothing I took seemed to make much difference! I couldn’t concentrate on things for more than 10 mins at a time; I was disoriented; I couldn’t think creatively or logically, often having to sit and stare so my thoughts could catch up with themselves or for me to at least continue looking dumb. I had so many ways to pass the time; writing my blog, keeping up with my twits, watching movies, reading books, catching up on sleep (which you can never do….”you do what you do and that’s what you get” Airport Hell, Henry Rollins).
Instead, I did very little of anything at all – and at times that was taxing! For someone who is usually on the go (at least in between my ears) it was a difficult time to have to rest every few mins and let the headache subside as best it could….despite what many think about men always being ‘sicker than they are’, I knew this was not an ordinary illness like I’ve had in the past, and at least I’m willing to go to the doctor when I am feeling sick and not just when I have a little throat niggle or a broken nail 🙂
I also had the pleasure of looking after my 2 boys for the past 4 days (whilst Eva was in Hobart singing her heart out to win their Regional Sweet Adelines competition). They have been very good to me, with my eldest even knowing now when I needed a tissue or a drink. Sure there were times when they were on each others’ nerves (as all siblings are at various times), but overall they were caring, empathetic little souls, and I loved it.
One thing I need to look into is to get out more – it’s possible that my lack of exposure to various groups/people (during working from home) has lowered my immunity…this time around I think I picked up a bug and with my lowered immunity, it’s hit me harder than usual. I’ll need to build up my good bacteria after these rounds of antibiotics….
I will bounce back 🙂
One reply on “Emerged; but am I a butterfly?”
Catch trains, push shopping trolleys and be around school aged children (at least you can do the last one easily!)