
Hello world!

I have a number (over 30) of items in my ‘things to blog about’ file, but you think I can muster up the mental strength to choose one of them to start things off with?

I hope this becomes an outlet for some of my wackier ideas – my wife entertains my whims and tirades but secretly (between you and I), she is over them, and seeing as my wacky thoughts are not going away, I have to share them with someone!

Here’s a taste of what will be forthcoming – stupid people, simplifying the world, creativity, innovation, Making the most of what you have, learning and coming to terms with who you are, wacky ideas, music that moves me (and why), what I still have to achieve, where I’m at, who’s around me & what I’ve learned from crashing my bike.

-> Adrew Blanda 🙂

5 replies on “Hello world!”

Totally agree, with what you wrote below, same sort of stuff that goes through my head. Looking forward to reading more. I don’t ride a bike so I deleted that bit. lol

“Here’s a taste of what will be forthcoming – stupid people, simplifying the world, creativity, innovation, Making the most of what you have, learning and coming to terms with who you are, wacky ideas, music that moves me (and why), what I still have to achieve, where I’m at, who’s around me”

Congrats on the new blog.

I have one on blogspot I haven’t used in a while. Also had one on OKC, but I just deactivated the account. Also have a livejournal account I never use. They are very addictive.

Hey, I’m not OVER the rants and tirades, but it would be better if I wasn’t the only one commenting on them. *smooch*

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